Pick-Dressed Tile


Pick-Dressed Tile

Pick-Dressed bluestone tiles will give your outdoor spaces an orderly look with a disorganised feel thanks to their non-continuous, but parallel carvings. Their surface offers a subtle contrast of light grey carvings against the dark grey of the stone and brings out the authenticity and sparkle of the material in its raw state.

The rhythmic and subtly linear appearance of Pick-Dressed coarse makes it possible to dress outdoor floor and wall coverings with character. Pick-Dressed fine tiles can be used indoors to decorate walls and other decorative walls with style.

Use Indoor floorIndoor wallOutdoor floorOutdoor wallAntislip
30 cm x 30 cm
40 cm x 40 cm
50 cm x 50 cm
60 cm x 60 cm
80 cm x 80 cm
40 cm x 20 cm
60 cm x 30 cm
60 cm x 40 cm
80 cm x 40 cm
90 cm x 20 cm
90 cm x 30 cm
90 cm x 45 cm
3 cm
5 cm