Opus Incertum

Reinvent Opus Incertum for contemporary, authentic elegance

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The contemporary use of Opus Incertum, a natural stone paving with an irregular charm, reinvents the elegance and authenticity of this ancient technique.

Bluestone Opus Incertum sawn tile

Irregular paving for contemporary architecture full of refinement

A flooring design dating back from the end of ancient Rome, the Opus incertum layout was widely used in the seventies and is becoming absolutely trendy again nowadays.  Indeed, this very irregular pattern is highly decorative and aesthetic to design a terrace or a living room with great elegance and authenticity.

These 'broken' natural stone tiles are neither prefabricated nor recuperated from the factory, which would make the laying out work on site significantly more complex. Bluestone slabs are laid and broken in place to ensure design continuity and uniformity. The irregular shapes of this arrangement bring a serene and tireless design complexity.

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